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To evangelize, edify and equip people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Spirit and truth for the glory of God

Vision Statement


Our mission in part is to promote the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the diffusion of the principles and philosophy of Christianity. Jeremiah 29:7; 22:3, 15-16; Amos 5:24; Micah 6:8; Matthew 28: 19-20; Luke 4: 18-19; Matthew 25: 31-46; James 1: 22, 27 are examples of Scriptures that guide and govern our daily walk and work.


Our facilities cover nearly half a city block. Our programs emanate from ministries for families, multimedia, outreach, education, health, and the arts, including lectures, seminars, workshops, fairs, institutes and courses dealing with the Bible, African American history, social justice, evangelism, ecumenism, human sexuality, stewardship, housing legal affairs, parenting, prayer, literacies, healthcare, and economic development.


Christian Unity strives to be biblically sound and socially relevant, and committed to raising up servant leaders from the priesthood of all believers. It is our determination to be a church where God is glorified, the saints are edified and souls are saved. It is our resolve to be "one in the Spirit, one in the Lord. We pray that our unity will one day be restored. And [folk] will know we are Christians by our love. Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love."


"We've come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord. Trusting in [God's] Holy Word. [God's] never failed us yet." How did we make it this far? "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, sanity the Lord of Hosts (Zechariah 4:6). We believe that "when the praises go up, the blessings come down. Christian Unity Baptist Church has been bountifully blessed. That's why we are unabashedly Black and Christian.




  • Provide friendly internal and external relations.

  • Promote missions awareness and support.

  • Increase contacts.

  • Promote effective means of follow-up.

  • Promote Lifestyle Evangelism

  • Promote Social Action in Conjunction with Evangelism



  • Scriptural /Spiritual Foundation

  • Spiritual Formation, Growth and Development



  • Build personal relationships and strong family units.

  • Provide continuous education for everyone.

  • Increase involvement.

  • Promote godly disciplines.


Christian Unity Baptist Church
Street Address

1700 Conti Street, New Orleans, 70112





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© 2023 by Christian Unity Baptist Church 

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